Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association

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Current Job Postings

No announcements at this time but check back frequently for updates.

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To submit your job posting

To submit your ad:

  • Send us an email with your ad to info@ffmia.org.  If your ad is posted on your website, feel free to give us the exact path and we can link directly to it. Or if you prefer, you can submit your ad to us in a Word document or .pdf format
  • Please indicate in the body of your email the starting and closing dates of the position (or if Open until filled). Positions will be posted for a period of 30 days. If you require additional time, please submit that information as part of your request. 

Please note that posting of an ad is not automatic. Please allow 3 business days for your ad to be reviewed prior to posting.

The Employment Opportunities posted on this website are published in good faith as a no-charge service to our members. FFMIA does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information on our website is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of our website.  Any errors or omissions in a job posting should be directed to the department that is advertising the job.

Address: P.O. Box 325 Hobe Sound, Florida 33475-0325        Frequently Asked Questions          

Phone:  772-349-1507 Email: info@ffmia.org                                                                            

Chat Group: Search on Google groups for ffmia@googlegroups.com and request access

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